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February 1st - 11th, 2023
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
MY Quilt Studio Exhibition
This exhibit showcases the work of 12 dedicated quilters. Historically quilts were made for a practical purpose and were not considered Fined Art Modern critics and art historians, however, have come to an opposite conclusion.
Though often whimsical, some approach the highest level of innovative design and are even thought to have inspired the shapes and forms of modern art. We are delighted to be chosen as the venue for this year's show.
Come view the works of 12 passionate and dedicated quilters.
Yeon Myung
Gloria Song
Hyaeseong Lee
Joanne Hong
Jungae Park
Linda Kim
Mihye Lee
Faith Park
Yun Yoo
Christine Lee
Yeonhee Kim
Kyungah Kim

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